Friday, July 10, 2015

Day 38: Hiking and Train Rides

Hey everyone!  I hope you're having a great day.

Today, we all left the house around eleven when it was still cool and made our way up the hill to the trail that would lead us to the caves we'd seen on our boat tour the day before.  We went down some stairs and walked through a stone doorway and found ourselves on an uneven, rocky surface that overlooked the ocean.  Every once and a while there would be a slight set of carved stairs.  We peeked around and climbed on the rocks and waved at the people going past on tour boats and ships.  (It was true friendSHIP.  Please hold your applause until the end.)  After spending about an hour there, we then wanted to find the natural swimming hole.  We walked around in the heat for a while before deciding to head to the next beach we found.  It turned out to be near a super fancy resort, so the beach was really uncrowded and nice.  The water was SO clear too.  And cold.  But very nice.  After that, we were all very hungry so we stopped at a little cafe on the beach and got salads while Tony got soup.  It was very good after all the swimming.  We then got a taxi and headed back to our room to rest up.  Then, my parents and I wanted to go into the town for a bit.  I decided to get a tourist-y colored braid wrap. (Don't worry it's cuter than it sounds.)  Afterwards, there's a little train that gives a tour of the town so we jumped on that and talked a bit with a nice local lady who owns a bakery.  After a lot longer of a ride than we'd expected, about forty minutes, my mom didn't feel great from sitting backwards the whole time so we went to try to find dinner.  Turns out that almost none of the restaurants serve food after like ten.  Cool.  So we decided to be rebellious and my dad and I had ice cream for dinner and after seeing the HUGEST SCORPION DEMON SPIDER THING my mom got some rolls to eat from the grocery store.  After that, we headed back to our apartment and went to sleep.

Thanks for reading!

-Sophia :)

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