Thursday, July 16, 2015

Day 43: Airport Problems and Boston

Hey y'all!  Again, I'm kicking myself for uploading these so late but I will give you proof of my excuse in the post from our last and final day, the next post, Day 44.

So, today, we all woke up around eight and took our last minute showers and finished packing up our last tidbits from our fantastic Lisbon apartment.  You will be missed, my tiny little friend.  Upon leaving our apartment to the corner to meet our taxi, Antonio, the renter, came by to say goodbye and make sure our stay was great.  He's so cool.  After making sure everything was okay and we were packed into the taxi, he waved to us as we took to the crooked cobbled streets and were off for the airport.  Once we arrived, we got our tickets and headed to the information desk to make sure our plans were secure.  You see, we'd had a connecting flight in which we'd fly to Boston, switch planes, then fly to San Francisco.  But, you see, sometimes plans don't go that way.  Our flight had been changed to we'd fly to Boston on the thirteeth, spend the night, then fly to San Fransisco the next day.  Luckily, we had known these plans all week so it wasn't news.  Also, the airline would be providing the hotel for us.  However, when my dad came to the information desk for Sata, our flight, to confirm that everything was in place, it most certainly wasn't.  There were no records of our voucher for the hotel..... Okay.  So my dad explained the situation to the woman working there who made a few calls and said the voucher would be waiting for us in Boston.  She'd sent the forms to the Boston groundcrew so "They'll explain everything."  Okay then, friend.  My dad, however, was not convinced.  After making sure she wrote down her name and the proof of the voucher, he then was somewhat satisfied.  Also, Little Miss Blue Eyeshadow had told us countless times "IT'S FINE.  Everything will be okay!"  We'll see about that, honey bunches.  We had a bit before we boarded our flight so we'd grabbed some lunch (somewhat unexciting tortilla wraps.) and then, everyone on our flight was crowded into a room where we then were picked up by a bus that took us to our plane.  The flight was extremely uneventful, but went smoothly.

After landing, we looked for the groundcrew we'd been told about.  Yeah, rememer that?  Aparently, they're mythical creatures.  So we found an official looking fellow who said he'd take us to the right place.  After going through customs, he told us that he'd booked us a room and a meal with Embassy Suites. (SCORE, that's my favorite hotel!!)  We grabbed our luggage and headed over to wait for the Embassy Suites bus.  It came after about fifteen minutes, and took us to the hotel.  We checked in and were told that "There are no records here of Sata booking your room."  So, cool, Mr. Reflective Vest did not, in fact, send any emails for us back at the airport.  Luckily they did have two rooms for us but said they'd need to put it on our credit card for the time being until Sata replied to their messages.  We took our things up to our rooms and after looking around, Tony looked at me in wonder and said, "Sophia.  There's AMERICAN TV ON."  Ahh, it's good to be back.  We went down to the hotel restaurant to have our first actual American meal in six weeks.  MURICA.  I think you may cringe that I didn't have a burger or some thing actually American, but I had quite the veggie wrap, my dad got some intense cheesebuger, and my mom had a wonderful cob salad.  Tony hadn't been super hungry so he'd gone ahead up to the room.  After finishing our meal, we'd gone back up to the room and I'm pretty sure all of us slept extremely well.  It was a long day!

Thank you for reading!

-Sophia :)

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