Friday, June 12, 2015

Day 12: Juggling and Photoshoots

Hi everyone!  I hope you're having a fabulous day.  

First, I would like to give you a quick run-through of the previously mentioned "magic and singing show."  Like I was saying, how do those two go together?  Well turns out, the entertainer, Barry, sings while he does magic tricks for a crowd of predominantly elderly guests.  He called up various assistants during the show and threw in some stand up comedy.  Through all of which he sang jams such as Fly Me To the Moon - Frank Sinatra and Sweet Caroline - Neil Diamond, since the crowd was mainly older, they didn't expect youngins like us to be singing along but we showed them.  There was a particularly excited couple who just enjoyed the show to no end and entertained us almost as much as Barry did.  The woman randomly shouting out "OH LOVE THAT ONE!!!" in reference to the songs, and the man doing a background "OOOH OHHHH" for various songs being performed.  It was a great night.  

Today, we had a somewhat relaxing day.  We all slept in, which was lovely.  Then, woke up to a dad-made omelet. (YUM!)  From there, we headed to the Club's lobby where our friend Barry was doing the entertaining yet again.  This time, he would be teaching us how to juggle.  Yup, the Gargiulos doing athletic activities.  Cool.  As you can imagine, this went about as well as the Titanic did for me.  The rest did a bit better.  It was however, quite entertaining.  Also, very nice, because we were the only participants making Barry and the bartender the only ones there to laugh at us.  We also lost about 10 pounds running after the balls that rolled away from us.  After the end of the lesson, we headed back to our apartment.

Next, we had to take advantage of the beautiful backdrop that is our backyard here at the Country Club.  My parents and I went off because my dad wanted to take some pictures of my mom and I, as you can imagine, I wasn't horribly disappointed at this since I love taking/being in pictures.  We found some great backdrops!  After that, we came back to hang out for a bit.

Next, we had 2:00 reservations at the fancy restaurant on the grounds.  Each of us ordered a fancy sounding dish and most of us enjoyed them.  The atmosphere was great, with tons of natural light and windows overlooking the fields.  After lunch, we came back to hang out for a bit.  Everyone slept while I stayed downstairs and watched the cooking channel.  Now, everyone is getting ready for bed or watching TV.

Have an awesome day/night!

-Sophia :)

My lovely mother being a model
Relationship goals.


I always somehow look super sarcastic in every picture.


He's ready for this.  

"YUP YUP YUP!  Nope."

Oh dear.  

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